Dental Check-Up

Why do I need regular dental check-ups?

Dental check-ups are very important because in these visits we check for the overall health of your gums, your smile, checking for any decay that is possible in the mouth or disease. These check-ups also include guidance such as home care and any habits that you may have.

How often should I get a regular dental check-up?

Dental check-ups are usually every six months or so depending on the state of your mouth. Sometimes people may need more frequent visits.

Can dental check-ups prevent oral health issues?

They definitely can because we are checking for the overall health of the mouth, we're checking your gums, we're checking your bone levels, checking for anything abnormal.

What is included in a dental check-up here at Lyons Dentistry?

What is included would be an exam, a cleaning, any x-rays if you are due for them, periodontal charting which would be checking the state of your gums.

What is the dentist looking for during a dental check-up?

During a dental check-up, the dentist usually looks for the overall aesthetics of the patient's mouth, any concerns or anything that may look out of the ordinary, any fractures, any decay, anything that could be a problem in the mouth, checking the overall state of the gums, going over x-rays and then comparing to what is in the mouth, basically any abnormal findings.

How long does this check-up usually last?

Usually the check-ups here do last about 60 minutes or so. That is a usual cleaning appointment, and we basically are going over everything, asking if there's any medical changes, anything bothering the patient, cleaning, x-rays if you're due, checking your gums, and exam.

Does it hurt? Dental check-ups hurt?

Check-ups do not hurt.

What is the best way to schedule a dental check-up?

The best way to schedule a dental check-up with us at our office is through At It, or just calling our office at (640) 400-0113. I hope we've been able to answer some of your questions on dental check-ups, but if you have additional questions or you're ready to take action, please give us a call. We're here to help.

I hope we were able to answer some of your questions on dental check-ups. We hope to see you soon. You can always schedule an appointment and give us a call.